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Posts: 42
Posted 20:36 Jan 07, 2015 |

For Tarik's class, the PowerPoint asks to download lyric.sql from the course webpage. How exactly do you download it and then put it onto the mysql bin?

I click on the link but it takes me to what looks like source code page. Do I copy and paste that onto something? Just wondering how to go about getting this onto the bin so the database loads properly. Thanks!

Posts: 19
Posted 21:14 Jan 07, 2015 |

I'm sure he will cover this tomorrow but yes, essentially once you are in the mysql> client you can simply copy paste all the code and it will create that database. The code essentially is just creating a tables elements and then inserting every row for all of the tables in the database. To make sure you entered everything right just do a use lyric; and then a show tables; and see if you get all of the proper tables. Hope that helped.

Posts: 42
Posted 21:18 Jan 07, 2015 |
Yeah, that sounds pretty straight forward. I'll try it out. Thank you!
Posts: 9
Posted 21:32 Jan 07, 2015 |

Just to be clear, nothing is *due* tomorrow?  We're just bringing in an installation of MySQL right?

Posts: 42
Posted 21:35 Jan 07, 2015 |
Yes, the only thing he wanted was for us to download the .zip files and bring a USB drive to class. There was no homework. I just wanted to start messing with SQL.