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Posts: 1649
Posted 10:02 Dec 09, 2014 |

I've been using assignments to take attendance. I don't want to publish them. But every once in a while I have clicked publish by mistake. I'd like to unpublish these, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.

Posts: 2935
Posted 10:11 Dec 09, 2014 |

Un-publishing an assignment (or a survey) may cause problem as the submissions (or survey responses) rely on the structure of the assignment (or survey). For example, if an assignment has 10 questions, then a Submission object will has an array of 10 answers. If one of the questions is deleted after the assignment is published, all the submissions created before that point will get messed up.

There are also other instructors requesting the function to take attendance. I'm considering implementing an attendance tracker.