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Posts: 1649
Posted 21:19 Dec 07, 2014 |

Kevin Mowers pointed out that the correct answer to this question is the number of nodes.

5. Not counting the graph itself, the stack used to keep track of subprogram calls, the explored set, or the visited list, the maximum amount of non-local storage needed for doing DFS is

the number of nodes
the number of edges
the maximum number of neighbors for any one node
Everyone who had that answer now has an additional point. Those with the answer that was originally considered correct have not had a point reduced from their score.
Last edited by rabbott at 21:20 Dec 07, 2014.
Posts: 6
Posted 16:58 Dec 08, 2014 |

11-06R   q5

that day had a question which was the same with 10-30T,  it should have an additional point

Not counting the graph itself, the stack used to keep track of subprogram calls, the explored set, or the visited list, the maximum amount of non-local storage needed for Graph.dfs (the recursive version of depth-first-search) is

 the number of nodes
 the number of edges
 the maximum number of neighbors for any one node

Last edited by FANGCHAN at 17:01 Dec 08, 2014.
Posts: 1649
Posted 17:12 Dec 08, 2014 |

That question asks about the recursive version of DFS, not the version in the method