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Posts: 162
Posted 20:55 Dec 06, 2014 |

1. I need explanation as to why the answer is A * n^2 + B * n + C. My understanding is that the loops involved in the code ( give the dominant term of n^2. 

4. From what I understand, doMergeSort basically splits the array into two, sorts the first half then merges these two sorted arrays. Why is log n involved in the answer A * n * log n + C? Is it because of the splitting of the array on line 30?

5. I believe that I got this problem wrong because I selected "average case analysis." Were the answers: worst case analysis, don't pay much attention to constant factors, and focus on running time for large input size?

Last edited by G190852562 at 21:02 Dec 06, 2014.
Posts: 162
Posted 21:25 Dec 06, 2014 |

If you could post the questions next to the answers, that would make it much easier to answer. Rather than go back and forth between your question and quiz questions.

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:26 Dec 06, 2014 |

Question 1 asked about MergeParts, not about the entire algorithm. Merge scans two lists of length no more than N. It processes each element once.

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:27 Dec 06, 2014 |

Question 4 asked why a log function is involved. Each level of recursion works on lists that are half as long as the previous. So it takes log n levels of recursion to reduce the length from n to 1.

Posts: 162
Posted 21:28 Dec 06, 2014 |

It'll be easier if we had the answers, so that we know if we are doing the problems correctly.

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:28 Dec 06, 2014 |

Question 5 asked about the primary focus of the Coursera videos. You're right, average case analysis isn't one of them.

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:29 Dec 06, 2014 |

More generally, as I said earlier, if you want to discuss a question, please post your thinking about it. We can discuss it then. Simply posting the answers is not the point. 

Posts: 162
Posted 21:44 Dec 06, 2014 |

I have issues understanding the Merge Sort code quickly. It takes a very long while and I have to trace it line by line. Is this normal? And is there any suggestion to reading them more efficiently?