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Posts: 326
Posted 15:35 Nov 14, 2014 |

From: Bayron Lopez

Subject: Event at Augustus Hawkins HS 11/22/14

Hello All,

I wanted to reach out to my CSULA family and invite you to the JPL Invention challenge that we are hosting at August on November 22nd, 2014. We are looking to have a larger representation from CSULA. We currently have commitments from Boeing, Northrop, Raytheon, USC, CH2MHILL, Lockheed and other organizations and schools in the area. This year we also have Congress member Karen Bass joining this event in support of STEM for inner cities.  All we ask is that you send someone to represent your organization, we will provide the space, tables, chairs, etc. I would really love to see the student orgs represent and show the students what they do in terms of projects, if possible even bring some of them to campus to show off (USC is not the only who has nice toys!). We are also looking for judges to help with the actual competition that is hosted at the JPL invention challenge. Please share this information with anyone you feel may be interested both staff or students. Below is a link to the rules for the competition this year and pictures from last year's event.