reset password
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Posts: 103
Posted 22:08 Oct 24, 2014 |

Hi Dr sun ,

when an item is checked out on the Viewlog page , and I click the Return button ,but the current page seems doesn't anything at all , I wonder it's because in the doPost part of the Viewlog ,  I have used sendRedirect "Viewlog?id="  which has the same relative URl to the current URL , so after the user clicks the Return button ,it stays on the same page and does nothing . But  I have used conditions to check Available status  and I also changed the available status accordingly . So what should I do to avoid this situation? Thanks !

Posts: 103
Posted 22:42 Oct 24, 2014 |

O I made a foolish mistake ,I forget to use <form method='post'> so it doesn't  execute the doPost  at all.