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Posts: 4
Posted 17:17 Oct 15, 2014 |

I have a Mac and I can't seem to move the recipe file from the public_html to the labs directory. Neither of the commands seem to work and Google couldn't help me.

mv: Invalid

rename: Failure

Also, it can't seem to find the image on my hobby page even though I uploaded the picture to cs1. I put it in the labs directory and I had the sub on Friday check to see if it had the same path as my computer and the permissions were correct. I was told that they were fine.

Posts: 519
Posted 18:49 Oct 15, 2014 |

I'm assuming you are sftp-ing into cs1 using terminal. To see the commands available, type "help". "Rename" should work. Use it the same way you use mv. 

Syntax example: rename test.html labs/test.html

This moves test.html from the folder it's in into a the subfolder test.html

I am looking in your lab folder, your hobby.html is there in your labs folder. So is your alien_isolation.jpg

See this link:

Last edited by msargent at 18:55 Oct 15, 2014.
Posts: 4
Posted 19:56 Oct 15, 2014 |

Thanks. I got the move to work but I'm still stuck on the image. Is there a way for me to fix it or do I need to find another picture?