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Posts: 19
Posted 15:38 Jun 01, 2014 |

Hello professor,

In forth question in spring security of HW 6

 Question : 

  • The user interface should hide operations from the users who do not have the privilege to perform those operations.

- In my application there is only one role "ROLE_USER" and after authentication they can see all the UI pages .

- What should I need to do in forth question because as I have given only one role so user only needs to be authenticate not required to authorized for see any UI part of our Tic Tac Toe application?

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:50 Jun 01, 2014 |

Anonymous users (i.e. users who have not logged in) can play single-player games, so they should be able to see the operations for that, but not operations like view game history, save/resume game and so on.