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Posts: 40
Posted 12:08 May 01, 2014 |


There are 3 quick questions about hw4 requirements.

1. if a user logs out without finishing the current game, is it considered a loss for the user?

2. If a user just close the ongoing game page without finishing it, is it considered a loss for the user?

3. After a user register, does he/she need to log in? Or just use the registration information to play the game.

Thanks in advance,


Posts: 2935
Posted 14:05 May 01, 2014 |

1. Yes.

2. Yes in theory, but I think handling this would require too much work, so let's just assume this won't happen. And similarly, you can assume that there wont' be any network outage that disrupts a game, and each player will play their moves in a reasonable amount of time (i.e. nobody will go to bed without completing the game).

3. Either way is fine, but note that in the second case, the user should still be logged in - the difference is whether the user will be logged in automatically after a successful registration.

Last edited by cysun at 14:07 May 01, 2014.