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Posts: 60
Posted 03:48 May 01, 2014 |

It is 3:43am, and I just noticed something on the pdf for the homework this week.

The Person of Staff type does not have office hours in the example.

I would assume it follows the same format as the parent class of Staff, which is Employee.

Employee has the officeHours data field after the salary, so that is where i'm going to place it for Staff as well.

I'm bringing this up to keep up the uniformity of the format for the code.

Just thought I'd mention it. 

Posts: 35
Posted 03:53 May 01, 2014 |
Take a look at homework 3. Employee does not have office hours. They only have an office location. Staff does not have office hours either. The only type of person with office hours is the Faculty type.
Last edited by MariahM at 03:53 May 01, 2014.
Posts: 60
Posted 03:57 May 01, 2014 |

Oh whoops, ok i see now! Thank you! 

Posts: 35
Posted 03:58 May 01, 2014 |
No problem :)