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Posts: 32
Posted 14:41 Apr 28, 2014 |

Hi everyone.  I'm looking for a team to join.  I would love to join the Node.js team if possible.   I wouldnt mind joining the Responsive Team as well.  :-)

On a side note if anyone needs help with the Zend Framework stuff i can help out, I wrote 2 books on the subject. 

Armando Padilla

Posts: 1
Posted 16:02 Apr 28, 2014 |

Hi Armando. I have some experience with Nodejs and I have done a lot of responsive web design as well. I would join a team with either of these two topics.

Posts: 32
Posted 22:58 Apr 28, 2014 |

Ok. I have little Node experience so using this to brush up and harder a bit on Node.js.  Hope that's ok.  Lets meet up before class? Here is my email:  armando_padilla_81 AT 


Let's get a schedule started.  I work pretty much all the time but ill try to work around the teams schedule.


Posts: 1
Posted 13:29 Apr 30, 2014 |

Todd Matsuzaki

Samik Avanessians

Posts: 3
Posted 14:26 Apr 30, 2014 |


Last edited by ngala at 13:34 Mar 16, 2016.