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Posts: 540
Posted 17:01 Apr 19, 2014 |

Hello everyone,

In order to test your programs I will be adding my own Class to each of your projects when I download them.  The class is called PersonFileReader and it will read a file of test data that I have created, and generate an ArrayList of Person objects from the file.  I would ask that everyone please include the following test code at the top of your main method.  That way I can simply uncomment the test code, add my class and then run the rest of your program as is.  Also make note that I called the reference variable to the Database object db.  I would like you to do the same in your main method.  Call the instance of your Database db, so it is easy for me to test.  The code is as follows:

/* Comments required
PersonFileReader pfr = new PersonFileReader("person.dat");
ArrayList<Person> testData = pfr.readData();
Database db = new Database(testData);




Posts: 540
Posted 19:27 Apr 20, 2014 |

Update: For those of you who would like, you may come by my office hours this week and I will test your program with my test data.  I am only offering this during office hours since I don't have any time before or after my classes since my classes are back to back.  This is a great way to see if you are on track with this assignment.  Also, the smart thing would be to do this on Tuesday or Wednesday, so you have some time to fix your program before Thursday.  Testing will be first come first served and I'll have to be done when my hours end.  If you can't make my office hours but would like to schedule some other time on Wednesday we can work something out.

Again, be sure to complete this assignment, because I already have 2 or 3 more ideas to turn this into a project which we will add to throughout the rest of the quarter, so the more work you do now, the less work you will have later on.