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Posts: 19
Posted 07:26 Apr 16, 2014 |


2) If my folder structure is wrong, at what step in the process did I go wrong?

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:37 Apr 16, 2014 |

Your folder structure seems wrong. It should look kind of like this:

You should redo it from the first step - Maven Web Application.

Posts: 19
Posted 09:24 Apr 16, 2014 |

Started from scratch, still doesn't match your structure, why would this be?

Posts: 2935
Posted 09:36 Apr 16, 2014 |

First of all, ignore /target. In a Maven project /target is the folder holding generated files like .class files and such. You never need to directly create or put anything in that folder.

Secondly, it's possible to have two META-INF folders, one under /src/main/webapp, and one under /src/main/resources. The one under /src/main/resources is not automatically created so you need to create that folder yourself.

Lastly, the directory display in Eclipse/Maven is quite confusing - some folders are displayed twice, and some folders holding generated files are shown side by side with source folders. I'll clarify this in class.

Posts: 12
Posted 11:23 Apr 30, 2014 |

Respected prof

Is it ok from your side if we delete the earlier hw from subversion repository when we will commit the new code of new hw?

because i already deleted my hw2's part when i was commit my code of hw3 and that time i faced with various type of problem while commit the hw3.

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:40 Apr 30, 2014 |
vkalari wrote:

Respected prof

Is it ok from your side if we delete the earlier hw from subversion repository when we will commit the new code of new hw?

because i already deleted my hw2's part when i was commit my code of hw3 and that time i faced with various type of problem while commit the hw3.

The short answer is yes, it's OK to re-organize your svn repository. With that said, if you need to delete hw2 from the repository because your hw3 is not working, you are probably not using SVN correctly.