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Posts: 1649
Posted 09:22 Apr 15, 2014 |

My player surprised me in a nice way, and I want to brag about it.  I was playing Tic-Tac-Toe against the SampleSearchLight player. I was X. Here are the first few moves

  b    b    b  

  b    b    X      My player is not bright enough to know that this is a bad start.

  b    b    b      


The opponent replied as follows

  b    b    b  

  b    b    X       

  b    0    b      The opponent is not very bright either.


Then my player made this move.

  b    b    b  

  b    b    X 

  b    0    X     It announced (on the console) that it had won!

It had looked far enough ahead to see that it would win from here no matter what the 0 player does. What's surprising is that at first glance, taking the bottom-right-corner doesn't look like such a great move. The "obvious" move is to take the center. But this works also.

Last edited by rabbott at 09:28 Apr 15, 2014.