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Posts: 64
Posted 00:58 Apr 15, 2014 |

Did anyone else get the tests to run and display the logcat for the Activity assignment? I'm using a Galaxy Nexus AVD with the API Level 18, but it doesn't seem to work. It seems to break after it switches to landscape mode, but I'm not sure if it's because it's really slow or not. My app, however, does work when I run it, but I'm wondering if I'm using the wrong emulator.

Posts: 140
Posted 22:10 Apr 20, 2014 |

the test works fine on mine it passes the test on landscape/portrait mode and write to the logcat but i get this strange error towards the end... (used the emulator API level 18)

ActivityLabTest] Test run failed: Instrumentation run failed due to 'java.lang.ClassCastException'

has anyone run into this error?

Posts: 140
Posted 23:20 Apr 20, 2014 |

sorry i was casting the activity class.. its working fine now!

@wsakura AVD api level 18 works fine for the junit tests, for the logcat i did the tests 
separately if its relly slow make sure you use your host GPU when setting up the AVD