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Posts: 40
Posted 16:59 Apr 14, 2014 |

Hi, I have 3 questions about requirements of hw2 and hw3

1. hw2, part2 import project into svn, Is the example empty "HelloWorld" class under the /src folder instead of /src/main/java folder, right?

2. hw3, is the continue of hw2, in hw2, the project name is "ttt", can we use "ttt" as app name in hw3 instead of "TTT"?

3. hw3, hw3 asks us to build framework without "real" TicTacToe Game, right? So there is no TicTacToe Game implementation?

Thank you,


Posts: 2935
Posted 21:13 Apr 14, 2014 |

1. I don't understand the question. The instructions for svn import uses an example to explain the import process, but you are supposed to import the ttt project, not HelloWorld.

2. Yes, hw3 is a continuation of hw2, and you can use ttt as the app name.

3. I'd say no game logic implementation required, but the model class must be able to keep game states, so that's part of "game implementation" already, and then you can also implement some game logic as the methods of the model class. You don't need to implement anything in the web tier though (i.e. no controllers or views).