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Posts: 14
Posted 10:42 Apr 13, 2014 |

According to this step 

Use a text editor to open the file .setting/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml under the project folder (i.e. <workspace>/<project>), and change the version of java and jst.web to 1.7 and 3.0 respectively:

I can't find this file ( org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml ) under my project name :

So I've try to changed Project Facet by go to my project in eclipse, right click on project --> properties ---> Project Facet 

and I can only change java to version 1.7 but there is no jst.web  

Posts: 14
Posted 13:06 Apr 13, 2014 |

Problem Solved

Posts: 14
Posted 17:10 Apr 14, 2014 |

How did you change the jst.web part? I am having the same issue as you did. Thanks.