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Posts: 19
Posted 13:48 Apr 10, 2014 |

I finished steps 1 and 2 for creating a Spring and Hibernate From Scratch. When I ran it on the Tomcat v7.0 local server, the "Hello World!" text popped up, but the url read


instead of


Does this mean I did something wrong?


Posts: 2935
Posted 14:40 Apr 10, 2014 |

The cs520-springmvc in the URL is the name of your project (i.e. the artifactId in Maven). The assignment asks you to create a project named ttt, and the instructions in Spring and Hibernate from Scratch also says:

We will use a sample project called springmvc to illustrate the process. The project name will appear in various configuration files, and needless to say you should change it to the name of your project

Posts: 19
Posted 14:52 Apr 10, 2014 |

Yes, I understand that when I do the homework, the places where 'spring-mvc' appeared in the example will have a 'ttt' instead. However, I was trying to replicate the example, and was referring to two differences between my url path and the example 

MINE: http://localhost:8080/springmvc/


EXAMPLE: http://localhost:8080/cs-520springmvc/home.html




Posts: 2935
Posted 14:58 Apr 10, 2014 |
ljuster2 wrote:

Yes, I understand that when I do the homework, the places where 'spring-mvc' appeared in the example will have a 'ttt' instead. However, I was trying to replicate the example, and was referring to two differences between my url path and the example 

MINE: http://localhost:8080/springmvc/


EXAMPLE: http://localhost:8080/cs-520springmvc/home.html




When you run the project in Eclipse, it goes to the root path of the project (i.e. "/"), which is served by the welcome file index.jsp. To go to home.html you have to manually type it in.