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Posts: 4
Posted 00:47 Apr 10, 2014 |

I uploaded every needed on cs3 and test the url : and it works. How can I change it to work on url:

Posts: 28
Posted 00:49 Apr 10, 2014 |

You will need to update your web.xml file by adding a URL Mapping to "/Lab1/HelloServlet" for your Servlet.

Posts: 37
Posted 09:16 Apr 10, 2014 |

You can also add the a line of code before the class HelloServlet. Just put @WebServlet(/lab1/HelloServlet). Hopes this works.

Also the URL which you have mentioned will not work, unless you put the default port i.e.8080 in the URL.

So idealy the URL will be "hhtp://<user_name>/Servlet Class"