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Posts: 40
Posted 18:55 Apr 09, 2014 |


two questions about hw2

1. Is hw2 based on hw1? Which means we need to create spring mvc framework of TicTacToe for part1 and import hw1 to svn.

Or we just use the examples (home.html, HelloWorld) for part1 and part2?

2. For part1, the project name should be"ttt" instead "springmvc" in the example, right? So we need to modify the "springmvc example" to our own "ttt" project.

Thank you in advance,


Posts: 2935
Posted 20:08 Apr 09, 2014 |

1. HW2 is not based on HW1. For HW2 you can just used the sample code home.html etc.

2. Yes and yes.

Posts: 40
Posted 09:05 Apr 10, 2014 |

Thank you, so for the second question, we need to change all "springmvc" to"ttt"?

e.g. step 2, 2 add servlet tag to web.xml


should be changed to <servlet-name>ttt</servlet-name>

And then Spring bean configuration file should be changed to /WEB-INF/ttt-servlet.xml instead?


Posts: 2935
Posted 09:25 Apr 10, 2014 |
hhuang30 wrote:

Thank you, so for the second question, we need to change all "springmvc" to"ttt"?

e.g. step 2, 2 add servlet tag to web.xml


should be changed to <servlet-name>ttt</servlet-name>

And then Spring bean configuration file should be changed to /WEB-INF/ttt-servlet.xml instead?



Posts: 40
Posted 13:20 Apr 10, 2014 |

Thank you, when we import our project to svn, only source files should be version controlled or both src files and pom.xml should be version controlled? Since pom.xml is a descriptions of this project with all the details.

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:22 Apr 10, 2014 |
hhuang30 wrote:

Thank you, when we import our project to svn, only source files should be version controlled or both src files and pom.xml should be version controlled? Since pom.xml is a descriptions of this project with all the details.

What do you think?

Posts: 40
Posted 14:33 Apr 10, 2014 |

I think it should also be included on the svn for it has library (dependencies) information

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:33 Apr 10, 2014 |
hhuang30 wrote:

I think it should also be included on the svn for it has library (dependencies) information
