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Posts: 19
Posted 22:29 Apr 06, 2014 |

Hello Professor,

I have installed all software and plugins as mentioned in csns.

I am facing an error while trying to check out project as maven project in SVN repository.

I am attaching a snapshot.

My Configuration :

JDK 7 update 0

Eclipse JUNO

servlet 3.0 

Tomcat Apache 7.0.47

Last edited by cshah6 at 22:31 Apr 06, 2014.
Posts: 70
Posted 06:11 Apr 07, 2014 |

I am using the Kepler version and don't have any problem.

You may need to install additional plugins as said on this page:

Last edited by xytian at 06:50 Apr 07, 2014.
Posts: 2935
Posted 08:40 Apr 07, 2014 |

Most likely it's because some dependencies were corrupted during download. See the instructions here to re-download dependencies. After that just try checking out the project again.