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Posts: 1649
Posted 12:40 Apr 05, 2014 |

Hi all,

Each senior design project has an associated CSNS project page. The project page includes a Project Abstract along with links to the various project deliverables. It is this page and these deliverables that most people will see. Be sure they represent you in a way you want to be represented. (The projects for this year are listed on this page.)

Last Fall you wrote and uploaded a requirements document—although if you want to update it, that's fine. What remains are the following.

  • Project reportMost project reports will have an outline similar to the following.
  1. Executive Summary: a 2-page overview of the project. Include a brief discussion of the customer and the customer's needs and an overview of what was accomplished.
  2. Introduction: an introduction to the document: how it is organized and what to expect in the various sections. 
  3. User guide: introductory information about how to use the system, typically including screen shots, along with details that users may want to look up. For the most part the system should be self-explanatory and should not need a detailed user manual. This section should tell a new user what she needs to know to get started.
  4. Architecture and design: what someone who is assigned to repair or enhance the system needs to know about its technical organization.
  5. Conclusions: what succeeded; what failed; what might be added/changed; lessons learned.
  • Project Presentation Slides. The slides to be presented during the Senior Design Expo (May 30st 2014)
  • Project Presentation Video. A video of the Senior Design Expo presentation. (This will be made available to you.)
  • Project poster. A poster presentation of the project. Project posters will be on display during the senior design expo. After the expo many senior design posters are put on display in the halls of the E&T building and in ET 309/310. Project posters are one of the most visible manifestations of the project. Information about the project poster is available on this page.
  • Project download. A compressed file containing the project source code and all the other project deliverables. (This cannot be completed until after Senior Design Day.)

See this discussion for more information about these items.

Let's develop these documents according to the following schedule.

May 2. First draft of project report.

May 9. First draft of project poster.

May 16. Second draft of project report and project poster.

May 21. Final draft of project poster. The poster will be printed for you from this final draft.

May 23. First draft of presentation slides. 

May 30. Senior Design Expo. Final version of project report and project slides.

Intellectual property and proprietary information issues. These items will be available to the public. Before including any information in any of them, check with your sponsors regarding their needs concerning confidentiality.

Last edited by rabbott at 14:23 May 17, 2014.
Posts: 1649
Posted 21:14 Apr 29, 2014 |

Information about the project poster is available on this page.

Last edited by rabbott at 21:19 Apr 29, 2014.
Posts: 1649
Posted 20:01 May 05, 2014 |

Please note that the description of the Project Document has changed. The Introduction is not an introduction to the structure of the document. 

Last edited by rabbott at 20:01 May 05, 2014.
Posts: 1649
Posted 14:01 May 14, 2014 |

Please note that the final draft of the poster is now due and should be uploaded to the project page by Wednesday May 21, not Friday May 23.

Posts: 1649
Posted 15:41 May 14, 2014 |

Since the version of the poster uploaded next Wednesday should be final, work with your faculty advisor so that the advisor has an opportunity to review the poster before you upload the final version.