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Posts: 12
Posted 17:02 Mar 17, 2014 |

Dear professor,

According to the Java API, the finally block will not be bypassed by a return.  I just want to confirm this with you so that I won't run into the too many open connections problem on CS3.  Thank you. 

Posts: 31
Posted 17:06 Mar 17, 2014 |

From the Java documentation found here, "it allows the programmer to avoid having cleanup code accidentally bypassed by a return, continue, or break. Putting cleanup code in a finally block is always a good practice, even when no exceptions are anticipated."


If you're not convinced after reading that, testing it yourself is incredibly simple. Write a basic program whose main method returns, then prints something to the console in a finally block. If anything gets printed, you'll know the block was executed.

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:14 Mar 17, 2014 |

Yeah, basically what REDGE said. smiley