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Posts: 5
Posted 15:25 Mar 09, 2014 |
Hello prof Do we have to create multiple tables in hw5's database or one single table for whole hw5's database will be fine ?
Posts: 2935
Posted 16:54 Mar 09, 2014 |

There's no requirement for db design per se, but we may deduct some points if the design is too bad.

Posts: 5
Posted 17:16 Mar 09, 2014 |
But in hw5 there is no partial credit. So eventually it will be zero grads... So please clear it professor Thanx
Posts: 2935
Posted 17:19 Mar 09, 2014 |
hshah9 wrote:
But in hw5 there is no partial credit. So eventually it will be zero grads... So please clear it professor Thanx

In HW5 you must implement all the required functions, but if a particular function is not implemented perfectly, you'll still get some partial credit.