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Posts: 11
Posted 15:12 Feb 21, 2014 |

my lab 5 was running fine on Tuesday, but today I went to check if it was running on CS3 and it is not. Usually I just delete previous hw's and labs after they are graded but this time I couldn't since it hasn't been graded. And I'm afraid my midterm won't work if I upload hw 3. Any tips on how to resolve this issue? thanks

Posts: 84
Posted 15:19 Feb 21, 2014 |

try rename all the var veriables in jsp to different from other and all set attribute names in servlet. it helps to me

Posts: 11
Posted 15:29 Feb 21, 2014 |

I always use different variables, I will try it though thanks

Posts: 19
Posted 15:36 Feb 21, 2014 |

I think package name must not same for all project's class file.  so you should check all uploaded lab's package name and if its same then please change it.

Posts: 2935
Posted 16:59 Feb 21, 2014 |

Please read this.