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Posts: 540
Posted 13:59 Feb 15, 2014 |

Hi Class,

I've been running into some issues when grading some of your assignments.  Basically it is to do with your source code being written and saved using a different character encoding.  Before you submit your .cpp and .h files, please be sure to check the character encoding scheme in a text pad type software such as Notepad++.  Notepad++ has a menu at the top called "Encoding".  Click on that menu and make sure the option encode in UTF-8 is selected, then save your file.  Please be sure to do this before uploading.  Otherwise I cannot compile and run your programs. 

Also, those of you using Visual Studio, be sure when you are making your project space that you choose the "Empty Project" option.  If you don't then Visual Studio will include precompiled headers, and since I don't use visual studio to grade your assignments, then your program may not compile.  Again, I use Code::Blocks for this class, so if you are using Visual Studio then make sure you know everything you need to about the IDE because I can't help you much with it.
