A Car class.
* A Car class for exercise P 4.1
public class Car
// instance variables
public double fuelEfficiency;
public double pricePerGallon;
private double initialCost;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Car hybridCar = new Car(75, 4, 27000);
Car nonHybridCar = new Car(20, 4, 18000);
double cOfOH = hybridCar.costOfOwnership(5, 15000);
double cOfONH = nonHybridCar.costOfOwnership(5, 10000);
System.out.printf("Hybrid: %,6.0f; NonHybrid: %,6.0f", cOfOH, cOfONH);
* Constructor for objects of class Car4_10
public Car(double fuelEfficiency, double pricePerGallon, double initialCost)
// initialize instance variables
this.fuelEfficiency = fuelEfficiency;
this.pricePerGallon = pricePerGallon;
this.initialCost = initialCost;
public double costOfOwnership(double years, double resaleValue) {
// compute and return the cost of ownership based on miles driven and
// the difference between the initial cost and the resale value.
// capital cost + operational cost
double capitalCost = initialCost - resaleValue;
double operationalCost = 15000 * years * getCostPerMile();
return capitalCost + operationalCost;
public double getCostPerMile()
return pricePerGallon/fuelEfficiency;
A JUnit test class
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* The test class CarTest.
* @author (your name)
* @version (a version number or a date)
public class CarTest
* Default constructor for test class CarTest
public CarTest()
* Sets up the test fixture.
* Called before every test case method.
public void setUp()
* Tears down the test fixture.
* Called after every test case method.
public void tearDown()
public void testGetCostPerMile() {
Car car = new Car(25, 4.00, 25000);
double costPerMile = car.pricePerGallon/car.fuelEfficiency;
assertEquals(costPerMile, car.getCostPerMile(), 0.001);
public void testCostOfOwnership() {
Car car = new Car(25, 4.00, 25000);
double cOfO = car.costOfOwnership(5, 15000);
assertEquals(10000 + 15000 * 5 * car.getCostPerMile(), cOfO, 0.001);