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Posts: 166
Posted 14:54 Jan 13, 2014 |

If I don't do well in a quiz, is there any "extra credit" assignment I can do to get some points? Or can we make up the quizzes to get some of the points back? The videos go into a great amount of detail, which is great and helpful, but I wasn't too sure what to concentrate on. Today's quiz questions were kind of random and I would not have ever imagined to study those topics covered on the quiz. 

Basically, can we make up some quizzes through some assignments (maybe programming assignments laugh) or at least give us some things to focus more on while watching videos. Thank you.

Posts: 1
Posted 22:43 Jan 19, 2014 |

The questions on the quiz did seem quite random, but actually those topics were all given in the videos that the instructor wants us to watch. Its just hard to pay attention to it >.<