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Posts: 166
Posted 19:57 Dec 09, 2013 |
See you guys again in cs 201 again next quarter! Oh wait. Cs201 is full next quarter. Much fail Such repeat Wow Very Flunking Much waste of time Wow
Posts: 34
Posted 19:59 Dec 09, 2013 |

Is there any way we can see our grade online?

Posts: 1649
Posted 20:49 Dec 09, 2013 |

Most instructors will send you your grades when they are computed.

Posts: 166
Posted 21:27 Dec 09, 2013 |

Guess I gotta write a program that takes my grades and computes the average.  Now to sift through my emails to find the grades..

Posts: 1649
Posted 21:28 Dec 09, 2013 |

You should be able to find them on CSNS.

Posts: 51
Posted 21:33 Dec 09, 2013 |

Come to think of it, that really is quite a problem. A lot of us would not know we'll have to retake classes until it is already full, so we would fall behind by 2 terms. And for something like cs201, it hits us hard because it is a prerequisite for a lot of the CS classes. Is there something the CS department can do? Like perhaps open some extra spaces?

I remember speaking to the Math department head, Dr. Fraser. He suggested for the students to request for an extra class, and if there is enough requests, they will open another section.

Posts: 166
Posted 21:35 Dec 09, 2013 |

I'm glad we're sorting this all out at the end of the semester..

Posts: 166
Posted 21:51 Dec 09, 2013 |

Maybe there is some sort of extra credit we can do if we are behind?

Posts: 166
Posted 22:35 Dec 09, 2013 |

i have a question: what do you think was the hardest part of the class?

Posts: 166
Posted 22:45 Dec 09, 2013 |

I just wish we went over each lab exercise in depth

Posts: 166
Posted 22:48 Dec 09, 2013 |

the hardest part about this class honestly is the lack of time and learning frame we had for each lesson.

Sure, if this class was the only class we took this quarter it would've been much easier to pass considering all the time we could put in to it.

However, what was lacking is time itself considering most( if not all) are full time students with 12+ units taking Calculus, Physics, other CS classes, and etc.

To be quite honest, this CS 201 was one the worst classes I have taken. It didn't consider anything about the student's time/ units taken, heck, even the professors themselves said we need to put in a lot time to pass this class. For someone who is starting programming, this was a huge leap into introducing a programming language without the necessary basics we need to acquire before starting a language such as JAVA. Metaphorically speaking, It felt like they gave us a step ladder with the first 6 steps missing, it's possible to get to the 6th step on the step ladder, but it's just hard to even get up there without the first 5 steps of the step ladder. 

Yes, we know as students we need to manage our time wisely, but cs 201 was just too heavily time consuming which  I put in a lot of . but more than likely failed the class.


TL;DR= CS 201 Fall quarter is too much of a leap into programming and consumed way too much time at the fastest pace ever. Next quarter I recommend a different method of teaching this class. no offense.

Posts: 166
Posted 23:09 Dec 09, 2013 |


Posts: 166
Posted 15:27 Dec 10, 2013 |

I'd have to agree with some of the statements about the class not being structured in a 'beginner-friendly' manner. I'm doing *okay* right now, but I feel like I'd be doing a lot better if I wasn't taking so many units. I can't imagine how a total noob to programming would be handling this class, it was insanely fast paced. Some of the lab questions were pretty advanced for people that have probably never really had any former education with algorithms.

Also, that project we turned in was INSANE for the amount of time we were given. Even Eric (in class) mentioned that we were given half the time the normal classes were given (he mentioned we were given a week, yet previously everyone had been given two). Not only was that a difficult project in its own right, but it was ridiculous that it was supposed to be completed within a week, over a holiday break, and to an introductory class.

I think that maybe in the future classes should be given a slightly slower-paced course or maybe problems that are fractionally easier than "Hey noob, write this AI game in a week, with multiple classes. Oh you've never had an OO programming course before? Oh well, you'll figure something out."

Also, the Udacity videos were crap.

Last edited by Anonymous at 15:33 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 20:28 Dec 10, 2013 |

I wished the class was did not rely so heavily on Udacity. I would rather have the professor lecture and have the video be a supplement in case we need more explanation on a certain subject. I felt like I was just thrown in a programming class and had to figure everything out on my own. Rather than picking students to present their homework, the professor should have explained in depth on how to solve some of the homework problems. Also during presentation, the same students would go up over and over again to present their code. Half the class probably had no idea what was going on. Some lab questions seemed a bit ridiculous to finish in the amount of time given considering programming is brand new to most of us. I wished more time given to complete the lab over the weekend. It would allow us more time to apply ourselves to the lab problems.

I felt like the homework was really rushed as well. Given on Thursday. Due on Tuesday. It only left us with Friday or Monday to meet up with our professors and try to resolve any problems we had.

I wished we weren't the guinea pigs for this introduction to programming since future classes will be built up on the basic skills we learned in this class. 

Last edited by Anonymous at 21:54 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 20:59 Dec 10, 2013 |

I definitely agree with what the consensus of the class appears to be. This so called introduction to programming requires previous knowledge of programming. I'm fortunate to have some background but still struggled. I really hope CS staff takes note of this. It seems like we are all saying it to no one but ourselves. I don't believe anyone even finished the final today. It was ridiculous. Please post solutions/grades. I know there is another  thread involving this but professors, some of us were borderline passing and this final was do or die for us, so if you can post grades soon, we can know if we will be left behind or be able to move to the next class. Thank you in advance.

Last edited by Anonymous at 21:00 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 21:50 Dec 10, 2013 |

 The final and the project was ridiculous. Just saying.

 They gave us a little tip on how to do both but it was seriously useless.The people who actually knew programming was able to figure it out probably. But for other people who just came out from cs 120/122/101 they probably had no idea what they were doing throughout the whole course/ final/ and the project.

As an anonymous posting, there was so much plagiarism in this class that the instructors didn't even catch. I didn't plagiarize because i was bound to retake this class no matter what. Alas, for the connect four project I saw literally everyone copying off each other, emailing each other the codes, and working on it together (copying together) even though it was a individual project.

Do you know why this happened?
This is because the course was too difficult and the students had no time to do these programming codes at such a intense fast pace. The Project was just too much. If we were at USC or something i can understand but this is CSULA for crying out loud. 

For the most part on the final, that was ridiculous too. Was the professor serious when he assigned this? Did he really think about the REGULAR students before making us take it? This excludes people who knows programming but for regular students i bet most are hating CS now. 

We all know why CS 201 was hard this year, it was because they had to toss aside all the people who weren't serious enough for a major like CS. The method did work, I'm changing my major after this course although i really liked CS until i took this class. It's good to be strict on the students, but you have to know kindness and forgiveness to churn out good students.

This course should have stayed the way it was like in prior to FALL 2013. The final/project was unnecessarily hard and should be voided from our overall grade and our grades should only base off labs at this point. 
OR, we can have this failpalooza which is bound to happen.

Last edited by Anonymous at 21:57 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 22:05 Dec 10, 2013 |

What the instructors need to realize is that students have not all been exposed to programming. This is an introduction to programming, they should ease up on the assignments and give us more time to focus. I feel that would benefit us much more than having to rush to finish to be able to get the points. In the end, we don't learn anything and the assignments are done mediocrely. I'd like to know how many people (in all sections) are actually passing with a B or higher I'm sure it's a small minority. One aspect of the class that I completely found useless was the homework presentations. I mean, seriously what a waste of time. I wish this class was structured more like a math class( where hw is assigned and them teacher goes over any questions that students may have had problems with. It feels so unnecessary to have to present hw like that. Students don't really know how to explain and often confuse us even more. Please professors! Eric! Please hear our thoughts and at least show that you are listening to these concerns of everyone. Most classmates that I've spoken to are turned off  by CS and it's a shame bc I know this subject is great and powerful. It should be delicately introduced not just thrown in like it was. Please professors, respond, we need our grades to know what we got in the class. I want to know if all the struggling will have to be repeated with this same course. 

Posts: 166
Posted 22:21 Dec 10, 2013 |


Posts: 1649
Posted 22:28 Dec 10, 2013 |

We should definitely talk about the class. I think it would be better to do that after all the sections have competed their finals. One section has its final Thursday afternoon. Let's also see how the grades come out.

Posts: 166
Posted 22:32 Dec 10, 2013 |

I hope they won't receive more hints or have an easier programming final than we did as a result of this post.

Also, are all programming finals for the three classes different? Or are the questions the same throughout?

Last edited by Anonymous at 22:33 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 22:43 Dec 10, 2013 |

I too hope that the final is identical that way we can get a better picture of how this class has been structured. As for the class that took the final today, have they been graded? I would at least like to know what i got on the multiple choice question (the easier part of the exam).

Posts: 166
Posted 23:16 Dec 10, 2013 |

Before I post, I'm just going to clear up the fact that I AM NOT KEENAN himself that is trying to make himself look good.

I'm a student from Keenan Knaur's class and I have to say that the first six weeks of how he taught was the best method. 
He would go over the homework after the student's present (which was serious waste of time considering he would just go over it).

The best part about his class though is the fact that he actually lectured and taught the class instead of just relying on the horrendous UDACITY videos. <--- (These videos made me fall asleep every single time. Who actually liked this anyways)
Keenan would seriously lecture and help the students out, this is probably because he's young and understands the student's point of view that videos itself wouldn't help. He eventually changed his method after the midterm though because he said the midterm scores were lower than the other classes. (Who cares if we're lower? As long as we're learning that's all that matters..)

Then just like Abbot's class he became reliant on the Udacity videos and started spamming us the "watch Udacity and study the book" Look, anyone can just watch Udacity and study the book. We are paying money to get lectured from the professor, not to make us watch UDACITY videos. 

Keenan also explicitly stated "MY CLASS AND TESTS WILL NOT BE CURVED!" this means anyone in this class don't even hope for a curve on the final. This is the reason why I didn't even try my best on the final. As soon as i saw the questions, I wrote out the starting program and just submitted that. Which probably would only grant me like 10 points MAX.

Honestly Keenan, you were good til the midterm. After that you became like Abbot and tried too hard to fit in.. 

Let us do like a take-home final or don't even count the final Keenan. Or you're probably going to see so much negative reviews on RateMyProfessor and other college rating sites just like what will happen to the other professors.

Posts: 1649
Posted 23:18 Dec 10, 2013 |

The problem with offering identical problems on different days is that the class that takes the final later has an opportunity to discuss the problems with people who took it earlier. The problem with offering different problems is that one can argue that some problems were easier than others. There's no perfect way to do this.

Last edited by rabbott at 23:21 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 1649
Posted 23:23 Dec 10, 2013 |

I have a question for those of you who are saying the class was too hard. Why didn't you ask more questions on this forum? You are clearly capable of using it. Yet there were hardly any questions from people who were having trouble. That would lead the instructors to think that you are all doing fine.

Posts: 166
Posted 23:36 Dec 10, 2013 |
Where to begin? Speaking for myself, I felt as if the instructors were not helping and were actually kind of harsh when asking questions in person. I think forums are for specific questions but when you have an entire chapter where you are confused, how can we expect a forum question to answer everything. This is where lecture is suppose to happen. The problem is that for my instructor Kang, when I asked in person I felt belittled to be perfectly honest. I felt stupid and I guess that is the structure of the class since a lot was expected from the beginning yet it baffles me as to why the class is call intro to programming. I didn't take Abbott bc I've been told by several students that he almost makes fun and makes you feel stupid. I was hoping this was not the case. I think the person above commenting has a point about the fact that Udacity videos are useless and should only be some sort of supplement to the lectures(that didn't happen). Instead of having students present hw, instructors should go over the chapter. I remember a few times Kang got upset bc we were asking "too many questions" saying that we should know this by now. Come on! Also professor Kang, can you give us our grade asap. I want to rest easy but won't until my final grade is posted. Also please post solutions to the problems. 
rabbott wrote:

I have a question for those of you who are saying the class was too hard. Why didn't you ask more questions on this forum? You are clearly capable of using it. Yet there were hardly any questions from people who were having trouble. That would lead the instructors to think that you are all doing fine.


Posts: 166
Posted 23:44 Dec 10, 2013 |

I think that's a legitimate point you bring up, Professor Abbott. But I also believe that when close to 50% (or more) of a class is failing a few flags should be raised. It seems that even from the viewpoint of some of the more 'experienced' students the workload was a bit excessive, either in quantity or difficulty. I could understand the workload coupled with the difficulty if it were an upper-division course, but an intro course? The fundamentals need to be firmly in place before that sort of load is put upon the students (in my opinion anyway). How would students be expected to perform adequately in a 300 level programming course if they were struggling to keep their heads above water in the 200 course simply to keep up with the points? Not only does it minimize the learning process  but it promotes dishonesty and plagiarism as was noted previously.


And to the person who said 'This is CSULA not USC..." grow up and have some pride. If that's your reasoning for wanting an easier course: give up, drop out, and get a s****y fast food job. That's a bull***t excuse and it insults everyone. I know people from Caltech, USC, UCLA, UCSB... and from what I've noticed the classes at this level are fairly similar. It's the work ethic that tends to be different (not to mention the tuition). If a course is hard because it sets unrealistic goals for the students, so be it. We can have a legitimate discussion. But if a course is hard because **YOU*** think the institution should have a low quality by its very nature, YOU are the problem.


That being said, I'm doing fairly well in 201. Yet I found this course to be waaaay more difficult than I had imagined it to be. Namely due to time constraints with our projects/homework, etc. And some of the material seems like it should have been more geared for an object-oriented class, not an intro to programming class.

Last edited by Anonymous at 23:48 Dec 10, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 23:57 Dec 10, 2013 |

It seems like professors were (not to offend) but lazy when it came to this intro class. It may be that the instructors were more preoccupied with other projects/upper division courses. It's unfair if that is the case since, as it was states earlier, the intro class is suppose to teach us the fundamental principles of programming of which we can apply in later courses. I honestly started this class with almost no knowledge of programming and was super excited yet as the weeks passed and saw the apathy in teacher's willingness to teach as well as the tight deadlines and difficult hw, I became more concerned with passing rather than learning. It would be impossible to learn at the rate we were going. My feedback to instructors is to slow it down and make sure the fundamentals are thoroughly covered. And please no more hw presentations!!! What a waste of time! Now the only thing to do is wait until grades are posted and pray that I get a C so I can move on (even though I will probably suffer even more in 202, which by the way, I hope is not structured the same).  Please post grades. Everyone needs to move on or see what we can do to try and  add CS201 again   We need to lrearrange our schedule. So please help us now. 

Posts: 166
Posted 00:11 Dec 11, 2013 |
Anonymous wrote:

It seems like professors were (not to offend) but lazy when it came to this intro class. It may be that the instructors were more preoccupied with other projects/upper division courses. It's unfair if that is the case since, as it was states earlier, the intro class is suppose to teach us the fundamental principles of programming of which we can apply in later courses. I honestly started this class with almost no knowledge of programming and was super excited yet as the weeks passed and saw the apathy in teacher's willingness to teach as well as the tight deadlines and difficult hw, I became more concerned with passing rather than learning. It would be impossible to learn at the rate we were going. My feedback to instructors is to slow it down and make sure the fundamentals are thoroughly covered. And please no more hw presentations!!! What a waste of time! Now the only thing to do is wait until grades are posted and pray that I get a C so I can move on (even though I will probably suffer even more in 202, which by the way, I hope is not structured the same).  Please post grades. Everyone needs to move on or see what we can do to try and  add CS201 again   We need to lrearrange our schedule. So please help us now. 

I'm assuming you didn't read the first doge post in this thread? CS 201 is full next quarter. If you fail you need to try and add the class on the first day of class meeting, which will be difficult with the amount of kids who also failed. 
Don't bother trying to get CS201 next quarter, just get a GE class instead and wait til Spring.
If they open another section that will be great but it'll also fill up instantaneously as well.

Final isn't curved,Project isn't curved, and  overall grades aren't curved. What's the point of having a hope in this class of passing if you know you F'ed up.. I didn't try on the final like the other anon said and I don't regret it, I mind as well retake this class if I dont fully understand instead of moving onto CS 202 and fail there. If they all of a sudden change their minds and curve the final even though they said it numerous times they won't, I'll be pretty annoyed and would demand a retake of the final.
BTW i agree 100% on your post. I didn't bother trying to learn after the 5th week. I just wanted to pass and this made me work with my peers way too often relying on them for every help.

Posts: 166
Posted 15:05 Dec 11, 2013 |

I'm thinking about changing majors at this point. I don't feel like I got a good enough foundation in programming to continue.

Posts: 1649
Posted 15:12 Dec 11, 2013 |

I'm curious about the complaint about homework presentations. Did you find them uninformative? Did everyone find the homework so easy that there was no point in going over it? If that's the case, I'm confused about the complaints that the course was too hard. Or was the course too hard and the homework not representative of the course content?  Would someone explain. Thanks.

Posts: 166
Posted 16:12 Dec 11, 2013 |
rabbott wrote:

I'm curious about the complaint about homework presentations. Did you find them uninformative? Did everyone find the homework so easy that there was no point in going over it? If that's the case, I'm confused about the complaints that the course was too hard. Or was the course too hard and the homework not representative of the course content?  Would someone explain. Thanks.

Professor Abbott you are very dense. No offense.

The homework presentations didn't help because kids suck at explaining compared to adults. They also get nervous in front of the whole class unlike adults/professors who are used to these kinds of things. Maybe if we were actually not shy (which CS students are full of) we wouldn't have a hard time as well.

Homework every week was a good hard practice but the time-frame we had to do it in was too short, which led to plagiarism which leads to not learning. The course itself was hard, not because the homework didn't help but because everyone didn't do their work but just copy because they just wanted to pass the class. Obviously, the final made us shot down of that little hope because we actually needed to know our stuff in order to pass the final.

Keenan was nice enough to grade the final fairly but i still got a NC, i'm pretty much set to change majors now because I lack the basic coding mindset i wanted to stable with CS 201, but i was thrown into such a bad foundation for a "BASIC PROGRAMMING" class. I can understand if this was CS 202 label of "Object Oriented Programming" but holy **** i got tricked and many others too.

Posts: 1649
Posted 16:23 Dec 11, 2013 |

Thanks for your reply.  There are a number of reasons to ask students to explain the homework.

  1. It's good practice. As you said, students are nervous talking in front of people. That's to be expected. Explaining homework is a way to start getting used to doing that. This is an important skill. The only way to learn it is to do it. One of the objectives in all our courses is to help students improve their presentation skills.
  2. If it's clear that you will be asked to explain the homework, I would have hoped that this would discourage simply copying someone else's answer without understanding.  Looking foolish because someone does't understand work that he/she submitted should be an incentive to try to understand it. And if someone is having a hard time understanding it, s/he should have asked questions on the forum. At some point, it really is up to students to take responsibility for themselves.
  3. It provides an opportunity to go over the problem. In my class I made sure that the problem was explained thoroughly, either by the student or by me if the student's explanation wasn't complete enough. I would be very surprised if the other instructors didn't do the same thing.
Last edited by rabbott at 16:29 Dec 11, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 16:26 Dec 11, 2013 |

I agree with the previous response. Students are no good at explaining a concept they just learned. Expecting students to learn from other students is pretty ridiculous. Many times I would just get even more confused. Another I didn't appreciate was the act that we were forced to present. The teacher, in my case, professor Kang, would actually get upset about people not volunteering. Several times I was picked randomly to present. I don't think this kind of stress is necessary. I know some students didn't go to her lecture bc they didn't want the risk of presenting. I mean what the hell, this is a programming class not a speech class. The teacher should be lecturing. I felt as if the teacher was just a babysitter for us while we were exacted to learn a whole chapter in less than 4 days. Student should not be presenting. The teachers should be lecturing. The duality videos are useless and this class was extremely difficult and tedious due to those reasons. Let me ask you something professor, is there a reason why you force us to present. I really can't find anything except to eat up time. I've taken other programming classes (in other schools) that I felt worked way better. This class dove into OOP(the second week). The class that I took used a better book (in my opinion) that really focused on the foundations and eventually get to Objects and such. I mean isn't CS202 into to OOp. It felt as if the hw/labs/projects were for cs202. Also let me ask you, for cs202, is this a similar style of teaching that goes on? 


Also so for the programming class I took at my other school, the teacher would thoroughly go over everything thoroughly. Again, it's as if the instructors at CSULA were just being there for nothing other than babysitting. I am disappointed in the style of teaching. The fact that teachers got upset wen students asked questions is also absurd! This instilled a fear of even asking. "You should know that by now!" This is what I got several times. I hated this. 

Last edited by Anonymous at 16:31 Dec 11, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 18:25 Dec 11, 2013 |

This is for my fellow classmates:

i agree with everything you guys say and my question what do you want to achieve? I feel the best thing that can happen  is they fix this for all CS201,202 etc and learn from this. I hope many of you stay with computer science and give it another shot IF they switch the teaching style because seriously, it was ridiculous. 

Posts: 166
Posted 22:44 Dec 21, 2013 |

The class turned into a speech presentation class rather than an intro to programming class. I understand that students need to get used to presenting their work, however it takes a toll on students who want to LEARN how to program if they are nervous about getting picked on to present their homework every class period. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why some students stopped showing up to the presentation period which resulted in not learning whatever the professor "lectured" about that day. Some students really abhor the idea of presenting every class period unless it's a midterm or project or something. Also, most students have already taken some sort of speech class. I feel like having a class period for just presenting in unnecessary.

Some professors are not showing much support for beginner programmers. I've seen some students asked a question in class and the response was "you should know that by now" instead of explaining/asking the student to meet after class. It's just a big turn off for students. It made students NOT want to ask any more questions or meet up with the professor in office hours knowing they'll ridicule you. 

Please take this into consideration and make changes to the classes. Thanks.

Last edited by Anonymous at 22:45 Dec 21, 2013.
Posts: 166
Posted 15:57 Dec 25, 2013 |

Merry Xmas everyone and happy holidays. I want to add to this thread because I hope it gets noticed. This is feedback gold for instructors. Please take note to what is being said here. This is the reality. I am not done with CS. I am determined to keep going but please be aware that the strategy used in the past was of little success. It's a shame bc it is a great subject. Please instructors, don't get so upset when asked questions. I mean we are students and were here to learn. Don't make us afraid to ask. Also, as noted many times, stop with those presentations. They are a ridiculous time Waster. I'd much rather be reading the book or practicing than having to listen to students nervously present. It doesn't help and would be much more beneficial to have some time to work on things that we can actually get help on. The labs are not sufficient, they are like programming tests. I would want to ask questions but the instructor would always turn me away. What the hell is that? Seriously, I want to learn but when doing these labs/hw I would feel compelled to finish rather than attain the programming skills we were supposively practicing. Please change it. The new quarter is coming up. Grades have been posted. CS instructors have yet to respond to this. Seriously, believe us, instead of questioning what were saying, come up with solutions. That's what programming is about, right? Solutions. Let's make it happen people. Let this new year be the start of a new and efficient year for cs teachers and students alike. Thank you.