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Posts: 1649
Posted 15:00 Dec 08, 2013 |

I'll have some more specific comments for individuals and groups, but here I'd like to share my overall impression of the presentations.

First, the bad

Most of the slides were far too heavy on words. When people speak of Death by PowerPoint, they are talking about slide after slide of bullet points. Compounding that problem, a fair number of people read the slides to the audience. That's double Death by PowerPoint. Third, many people made little effort to connect with the audience. If reading wordy slides hasn't killed the audience, reading them in a monotone is sure to finish them off. Finally some of the presentation sections were not very well thought through. They rambled from point to point without much of an apparent purpose. 

A presentation is you talking to me. Since you have a limited amount of time, it's important to think through in advance what you want to get across. Start with the big picture: explain the context and the problem to be solved. Then tell me how you are going about creating the solution.

Imagine doing this all in words -- with no slides. Just you talking to me.

Once you understand what you want to say, then it's ok to think about graphics that can help you get your point across. The graphics should be primarily supplemental. You are the main focus because you are the one who is talking. This isn't to say that some to-the-point graphics are a bad thing. They are not. If a graphic captures the essence of what you want to say--or if it says in a picture what would be difficult to say in 1000 words--that's great.

Second, the unfortunate

We set you up so that an entire team must speak in a short period of time. As a result, the teams gather in the front of the room with one person talking and the rest stand around looking like a crowd of lost souls. It might be better if the people who are not talking wait off-stage until it's their turn. But since you have so little time, make the transition from one person to the next smooth and quick.

Finally, the good

You all came across as serious about the work you are doing and knowledgeable about how you are going about doing it. Prof. Sun asked some difficult questions. You were able to handle (many of) them.

Last edited by rabbott at 19:52 Dec 08, 2013.