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Posts: 95
Posted 09:36 Dec 05, 2013 |

Senior students are encourage to attend the event.


National Journal and The Atlantic are hosting the first in a series of town hall events called, “A New America: How Millennials are Sparking Change.” This event will feature practical information on how both STEM education and entrepreneurship can provide pathways to a brighter future for the millennial generation. Dr. William A. Covino, president of CSULA, will provide opening remarks and Dr. Emily Allen, professor & dean, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, will participate on a panel to provide her insight. Also included in the panel discussion is a CSULA alumna, Jessica Alvarenga, who is now a second year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Denver.

Date/Time: Friday, December 6, 2013, 2-4
Location: University Student Union Theater
Attachments: Invitation and Agenda