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Posts: 1649
Posted 20:15 Nov 04, 2013 |

This is primarily for students in 454ICPC, but it's open to anyone who is interested.

Since the programming contest is this Saturday, we will be done with the primary purpose of the course this Friday. Here's one option for something to do after the contest. There is a new MOOC on Reactive Programming.  The following was extracted from a piece in I Programmer.

[In reactive programming you] build a network of functions which stay updated for the life of the [executing system]. 

[Reactive programming] has a lot in common not only with spreadsheets but with data binding in MVC, the observer pattern and so on. It is also obvious that it fits together with event-driven programming in that events can be used to cause updates to data graphs. 

This isn't a particularly new idea, but we still haven't solved the problem of how best to implement the idea in a general purpose language. ...

From the FAQ:

  • What is the coolest thing I'll learn if I take this class?

You will learn how to write programs which scale from one mobile phone up to thousands of servers. ...

The course starts on November 4th, but given the first week is review you have plenty of time to join in. It is its first run which is always the best time to do a MOOC.

Course website: Principles of Reactive Programming