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Posts: 1649
Posted 13:07 Oct 24, 2013 |

The code from class is avaiable here.

Recall that we changed Empty from a class to an object. So we had to change TweetReader to adjust to that. In the work for this week, Empty has to be changed back to be a class. (We must do that because we want to pass it a lessThan function, and it's not possible to pass a parameter to an object.)

If you have questions about the assignment or get stuck, please post your questions to this forum.


Last edited by rabbott at 17:56 Oct 24, 2013.
Posts: 1649
Posted 16:03 Oct 24, 2013 |

The reason the final run of GoogleVsApple.trending didn't terminate in class is that in writing out the various versions of union we had left the definition of union in an incorrect state. One of the TweetReader's call to union was stuck in an infinite recursive loop. It's fixed now. If you downloaded the posted files, download TweetSet and TweetReader again. (TweetReader is not functionally different, but some dead code has been commented out.)

Last edited by rabbott at 16:08 Oct 24, 2013.