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Posts: 6
Posted 15:42 Oct 22, 2013 |

Dr. Sun,

Do we Need to include the test code that u have provide in the end of  step 3 & step 4 in our envite application which is of springmvc for hw3..??


Posts: 2935
Posted 15:51 Oct 22, 2013 |

No, but you'll need to write something similar.

Posts: 21
Posted 18:36 Oct 22, 2013 |

Dr. Sun, I have the similar confusion. Could you please confirm my below understanding:

I have created below files

The below 2 scripts files contains the DB changes as per HW1

I have updated the below 3 files as per HW1 defination for Envite User.

I have included them hw3, but I have not used them.


Last edited by kk-das at 18:42 Oct 22, 2013.
Posts: 2935
Posted 19:25 Oct 22, 2013 |
kk-das wrote:

I have included them hw3, but I have not used them.

You are right that you don't need these two files for this homework.

Posts: 21
Posted 19:39 Oct 22, 2013 |

Thank you, I understood but what about the first 2 points ? AM I OKAY WITH THAT ?? (that's still a confusion for me)

Posts: 2935
Posted 19:45 Oct 22, 2013 |
kk-das wrote:

Thank you, I understood but what about the first 2 points ? AM I OKAY WITH THAT ?? (that's still a confusion for me)

The assignment clearly requires you to create the db scripts and the DAO code so what's the confusion?

Posts: 21
Posted 19:54 Oct 22, 2013 |

Thank you Prof. but sorry my confusion over here is whether we need to update the files that is mentioned in point 1 and 2 (of my original query) according to the Hw1 definition or do we NEED to implement it as it's mentioned in the Step 3 / 4 of SPing HiBernate Notes. Do we need to keep the files as it is or do we need to update them as in Homework1 definition ?

Sorry to ask you repeatedly but it's better that I'm 100% sure about what I need to do so as not to lose points.   

Posts: 2935
Posted 19:59 Oct 22, 2013 |
kk-das wrote:

Thank you Prof. but sorry my confusion over here is whether we need to update the files that is mentioned in point 1 and 2 (of my original query) according to the Hw1 definition or do we NEED to implement it as it's mentioned in the Step 3 / 4 of SPing HiBernate Notes. Do we need to keep the files as it is or do we need to update them as in Homework1 definition ?

Sorry to ask you repeatedly but it's better that I'm 100% sure about what I need to do so as not to lose points. 

The code in Spring and Hibernate from Scratch are sample/template code. Starting from HW3 you are building your own project, so yes, add/update/delete code as needed.

Posts: 21
Posted 20:04 Oct 22, 2013 |

Thank You Dr. Sun