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Posts: 6
Posted 16:06 Oct 15, 2013 |

Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:RELEASE from any of the configured repositories.
Could not resolve artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:pom:RELEASE
Failed to resolve version for org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:pom:RELEASE: Could not find metadata org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp/maven-metadata.xml in local (C:\Users\Hpatel\.m2\repository)
Failed to resolve version for org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:pom:RELEASE: Could not find metadata org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp/maven-metadata.xml in local (C:\Users\Hpatel\.m2\repository)

Posts: 2935
Posted 19:24 Oct 15, 2013 |
  • Make sure you have a reliable internet connection.
  • Close Eclipse.
  • Delete the ${USER}/.m2 folder - on Windows 7 it should be C:\Users\<username>\.m2.
  • Start Eclipse and try creating the project again. Maven will automatically download the necessary libraries and plugins. Wait patiently until all background operations are finished - in Eclipse you can see the background operations in the Progress view. If you interrupt the background operations, you may end up with a corrupted jar file, which is likely the cause of the problem.