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Posts: 12
Posted 16:29 Oct 12, 2013 |

I tried to install m2e-wtp and m2e-subclipse from m2e Marketplace, but when I opened the catalog, this message appeared:

discovery completed without finding any extensions.

I'm using version: Juno-SR2

Posts: 2935
Posted 10:50 Oct 13, 2013 |

My guess is that Maven repository index was corrupted so it couldn't find any plugin or dependency.

Try this:

  • In Eclipse, open the Maven Repositories view.
  • Right click on central (it's under Global Repositories) and select Rebuild Index.
  • Wait until the index is rebuilt. You can open the Progress view to see the progress. It's very important that this process is not interrupted; otherwise you'll end up with a corrupted index again.

If the above doesn't fix the problem, you can try a more thorough approach:

  • In Eclipse, under Window -> Preferences -> Maven, make sure Download repository index updates on startup is checked.
  • Close Eclipse.
  • Go to the folder $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.m2e.core/nexus, where $WORKSPACE is the workspace folder. Delete everything in this folder.
  • Start Eclipse, and wait for the index rebuilding process to finish.