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Posts: 4
Posted 02:34 Oct 10, 2013 |

i tried to deploy my web application on cs3 server and i got this error

HTTP Status 404 - /cs520stu03/home

type Status report

message /cs520stu03/home

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.30


Posts: 2935
Posted 08:06 Oct 10, 2013 |

The JavaMail library is missing.

Posts: 4
Posted 09:27 Oct 10, 2013 |

Still get an error, after  i put Javamail library under lib folder on cs3

Posts: 4
Posted 09:36 Oct 10, 2013 |

It works now. Thank you Prof. Sun.

Posts: 6
Posted 20:49 Oct 10, 2013 |

Hi Professor, 

I have the same problem. All my files are uploaded along with the libraries. The site is, Do we have to do anything to restart the server? I keep uploading web.xml with no change. 


HTTP Status 404 - /cs520stu09/

type Status report

message /cs520stu09/

description The requested resource is not available.


Posts: 2935
Posted 21:47 Oct 10, 2013 |
kevossus wrote:

Hi Professor, 

I have the same problem. All my files are uploaded along with the libraries. The site is, Do we have to do anything to restart the server? I keep uploading web.xml with no change. 


HTTP Status 404 - /cs520stu09/

type Status report

message /cs520stu09/

description The requested resource is not available.


Restarted Tomcat.