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Posts: 326
Posted 13:24 Aug 14, 2013 |


Book Voucher Program

Looking to offset the high cost of text books? Then the A.S.I. Book Voucher Program might be just what you are looking for. Our program has helped many Cal State L.A. students achieve their academic goals and is one of the best examples of how your student dollars can work for you. A.S.I. provides up to 30 students who qualify with a $200 voucher each quarter. Book vouchers are awarded on a first come first serve basis and there is no limit to how many times you can apply for and receive funds.

Eligibility requirements:

  1. Must have completed at least two (2) quarters at Cal State L.A.
  2. Must have a cumulative Cal State L.A. G.P.A. of 2.4 or higher. (Submit complete copy of Unofficial Transcripts)
  3. Must be enrolled for at least four (4) units of evening courses at Cal State L.A. for each quarter.
  4. Must be employed at least thirty (30) hours per week and provide employment verification. (A letter from your employer on company letterhead indicating your work hours.)
  5. Please supply a print out of your class schedule from the campus website or from the registrar’s office providing proof of enrollment for the quarter in which you are applying for the Book Voucher. (Landscape format please.)
  6. Verification of your cumulative Cal State L.A. G.P.A. attached. (Listed on Unofficial Transcripts.)

All full-time Cal State L.A. employees are exempt from participating in the program.