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Posts: 95
Posted 17:17 Aug 13, 2013 |

I found in most recent eclipse Kepler, maven and m2e-wtp are installed in default.


Posts: 2935
Posted 09:23 Sep 18, 2013 |

I tried Kepler yesterday and encountered a couple of problem.

First, the Maven option "Download repository index updates on startup" is not checked by default, so dependency search doesn't work out-of-box.

Second, there seems to be some bug that prevents changing the version of the Dynamic Web Module project facet. This is a serious problem as the Maven webapp archetype creates webapps in Servlet Spec 2.3 and I want to change it to 3.0.

Kepler-SR1 will be released soon. I hope these problems will be fixed by then.

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:51 Sep 27, 2013 |

kepler-SR1 is released today. Unfortunately it has the same problem.