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Posts: 27
Posted 13:15 Jun 04, 2013 |

This may be a stupid question.... but can we erase all the tables we currently have so that we can use new ones for the hw? or do we have to leave those there?

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:06 Jun 04, 2013 |
jkiyomu wrote:

This may be a stupid question.... but can we erase all the tables we currently have so that we can use new ones for the hw? or do we have to leave those there?

Yes, you can remove all the tables. Just like the code deployed on CS3, you can remove it after the assignment is graded (and you don't plan to contest the grade).

Posts: 27
Posted 19:45 Jun 04, 2013 |

I had another question about the extra credit. If a user is already logged in... can they say if their review is helpful or not?


basically can a user say their own review is helpful?

Posts: 2935
Posted 19:46 Jun 04, 2013 |
jkiyomu wrote:

I had another question about the extra credit. If a user is already logged in... can they say if their review is helpful or not?

basically can a user say their own review is helpful?
