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Posts: 33
Posted 14:02 Jun 02, 2013 |

Professor for homework 7  do we need to have two input boxes.  One for title and another for content to search for? Or just one input box and from the user input we search for both title and content for all the possible matches?

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:34 Jun 02, 2013 |
jrodriguez wrote:

Professor for homework 7  do we need to have two input boxes.  One for title and another for content to search for? Or just one input box and from the user input we search for both title and content for all the possible matches?

One input box for both title and content.

Posts: 33
Posted 14:45 Jun 02, 2013 |

Okay.  Also I was having a problem executing my spl script on eclipse when I added a trigger function. I was getting an error about the return value the return value is trigger as $$.  About a quote in front on the symbols  $$.  What I did was I changed the driver information to be the latest psql driver and I was still getting that error.  So I execute the same script on the psql shell without any errors.  Is it fine if I submit that script when it still executes on the psql shell? 

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:04 Jun 02, 2013 |
jrodriguez wrote:

Okay.  Also I was having a problem executing my spl script on eclipse when I added a trigger function. I was getting an error about the return value the return value is trigger as $$.  About a quote in front on the symbols  $$.  What I did was I changed the driver information to be the latest psql driver and I was still getting that error.  So I execute the same script on the psql shell without any errors.  Is it fine if I submit that script when it still executes on the psql shell? 

Eclipse's database plugin does not understand procedural languages (as they are DBMS dependent) so you can't run SQL scripts with stored procedures/triggers from Eclipse, but as long as you can run it using psql, it's fine.