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Posts: 140
Posted 21:39 Apr 23, 2013 |


professor for the file i am getting error...

The import org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration cannot be resolved

i did a fix project set up and the error goes away but on running the Hbm2dll file to generate my ddl file i get an error class not found error on line 22 which has

  Configuration cfg = (new Ejb3Configuration()).configure(

            "hibernate-examples", new HashMap<String, Object>() )


am i doing something wrong with the  org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3 import?

Posts: 140
Posted 21:58 Apr 23, 2013 |

had to update my dependency as the version i was using has throwing up the error
updated to (from older beta version) which takes care of the error.. its working fine now..
