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Posts: 24
Posted 15:51 Apr 18, 2013 |


Professor Sun,
While I first time to import code into cs3 svn server meet the following errors:
mkdir --parents -m "Initial import." svn://
    svn: File already exists: filesystem '/home/csun/subversion/cs520/s13/cs520stu17/db', transaction '1-2', path '/Bvvo'
    svn: File already exists: filesystem '/home/csun/subversion/cs520/s13/cs520stu17/db', transaction '1-2', path '/Bvvo'
    svn: URL 'svn://' non-existent in that revision
    svn: URL 'svn://' non-existent in that revision
mkdir --parents -m "Initial import." svn://
    Committed revision 1.
checkout svn:// -r HEAD --depth=immediates --force
    svn: URL 'svn://' doesn't exist
    svn: URL 'svn://' doesn't exist
    svn: URL 'svn://' non-existent in that revision
    svn: URL 'svn://' non-existent in that revision
mkdir --parents -m "Initial import." svn://
    svn: File already exists: filesystem '/home/csun/subversion/cs520/s13/cs520stu17/db', transaction '1-1', path '/Bvvo'
    svn: File already exists: filesystem '/home/csun/subversion/cs520/s13/cs520stu17/db', transaction '1-1', path '/Bvvo'
    svn: URL 'svn://' non-existent in that revision
    svn: URL 'svn://' non-existent in that revision
    svn: Handshake failed, received: 'svnserve: Root path '/home/cysun/subversion' does not exist or is not a directory.


Last edited by xliu15 at 15:56 Apr 18, 2013.
Posts: 2935
Posted 16:43 Apr 18, 2013 |

I never saw this error before. You can delete everything in your repository in the SVN Repositories view and try importing again.

Posts: 24
Posted 17:45 Apr 18, 2013 |

I did the remove everything and got the same story.  Could it related to the server construction?

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:33 Apr 18, 2013 |
xliu15 wrote:

I did the remove everything and got the same story.  Could it related to the server construction?

No. And I imported a test folder into your repository and it worked fine.

Posts: 24
Posted 20:38 Apr 18, 2013 |
cysun wrote:
xliu15 wrote:

I did the remove everything and got the same story.  Could it related to the server construction?

No. And I imported a test folder into your repository and it worked fine.


I login into CS3, do it by command line.  it worked.  But failed via eclipse.