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Posts: 6
Posted 19:32 Apr 17, 2013 |

Dr sun,

you told me to rebuild the index but in the progress bar its showing 0% and its not rebuilding and iam using reliable internet but its not rebuilding

Thanks and regards

Himaja Guduri

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:29 Apr 17, 2013 |

1. Close Eclipse.

2. Go to ${workspace}\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.m2e.core\nexus and delete everything under that folder.

3. Start Eclipse and wait for "Updating index ..." to finish.

Downloading the index for the first time over a slow internet connection can take a very long time, so be patient. You can see the progress of the background threads in the Progress view.

Posts: 6
Posted 08:52 Apr 18, 2013 |

Prof Sun,

I have tried above mentioned procedure still i am unable to add dependencies to my pom.xml.  And the progress bar tab is showing message"No operations displayed at this time". I have tried all options such as uninstall eclipse, JDK, and tomcat7.034 and changed it to JDK1.7, and tomcat 7.0.39. 

Posts: 2935
Posted 09:45 Apr 18, 2013 |
hguduri wrote:

Prof Sun,

I have tried above mentioned procedure still i am unable to add dependencies to my pom.xml.  And the progress bar tab is showing message"No operations displayed at this time". I have tried all options such as uninstall eclipse, JDK, and tomcat7.034 and changed it to JDK1.7, and tomcat 7.0.39. 

After reinstall Eclipse, you should use a different workspace folder and see if it downloads the index. And if it still doesn't work, you can search dependencies at then copy&paste the coordinates into pom.xml.