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Posts: 15
Posted 18:38 Apr 17, 2013 |

Dr. Sun as you told me I downloaded eclipse and it is working. But when I open the existing workspace, it gives me error in each file on each line. 

Posts: 140
Posted 19:46 Apr 17, 2013 |

u might want to check file>properties and runtime environments and set your server configurations for tomcat..

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:22 Apr 17, 2013 |
aarora2 wrote:

Dr. Sun as you told me I downloaded eclipse and it is working. But when I open the existing workspace, it gives me error in each file on each line. 

It may be because .classpath or some other Eclipse config file is still pointing to the old JDK. The easiest solution is to use a new workspace.