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Posts: 33
Posted 17:51 Apr 17, 2013 |

Hi professor.  

When I search for org.postgresql it is missing the jar file but when I exclude the "org" part for groupId I don't get any errors.  The only thing is the jar files are not stored under the org/ folder in the .ms folder instead it is in the same directory as the "org" folder.  Will that be an issue later on?  Because I noticed in the hw3 "<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="org.postgresql.Driver" />"  

Posts: 2935
Posted 20:17 Apr 17, 2013 |

PostgreSQL JDBC drivers used to be published under the postgresql group id, but I noticed that the latest driver (9.2-1002) is published under the org.postgresql group id. Older versions under the postgresql group id (e.g. 9.1-901) should still work. If you can compile and run the project, there's nothing to worry about.