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Posts: 24
Posted 00:00 Apr 12, 2013 |

Pr. Sun,


I update the class on CS3, but the runtime action still be the old one.  I upload the new files on CSNS.

the new login, logout, find lawyer, review lawyer couldn't show on CS3 server, but they can play well in my local eclips for homework 1.

Posts: 140
Posted 00:02 Apr 12, 2013 |

have u uploaded the .xml file? try doing a touch or uploading and over-writing the .xml file... 

Posts: 33
Posted 00:02 Apr 12, 2013 |
xliu15 wrote:

Pr. Sun,


I update the class on CS3, but the runtime action still be the old one.  I upload the new files on CSNS.

the new login, logout, find lawyer, review lawyer couldn't show on CS3 server, but they can play well in my local eclips for homework 1.




Did you touch the xml file?  

Posts: 33
Posted 00:05 Apr 12, 2013 |

Were we supposed to upload the .jsp file as well? or just the java files?

Posts: 140
Posted 00:41 Apr 12, 2013 |
jrodriguez wrote:

Were we supposed to upload the .jsp file as well? or just the java files?

You're supposed to upload the Jsp files as well...