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Posts: 140
Posted 17:20 Apr 04, 2013 |

Hi Professor

Are you going to post the pizza code example we did in the wednesday class?

Posts: 2935
Posted 22:31 Apr 04, 2013 |

I didn't have time to finish the code and import it to the repository. I'll do that tomorrow morning.

Posts: 140
Posted 22:59 Apr 04, 2013 |

thank you professor.

Posts: 2935
Posted 10:46 Apr 05, 2013 |

The Pizza's example is added to the repository. You need to have the m2eclipse plugin to check it out to Eclipse.

Posts: 140
Posted 16:18 Apr 06, 2013 |

professor i did the import from the eclipse > maven port... i was wondering where the  jstl.jar and standard.jar have been placed for this project...
are they supposed to be in the src folder ? where can i find the lib folder in this case? 

Posts: 140
Posted 16:24 Apr 06, 2013 |

also i am unable to specify a target runtime(my tomcat) for the imported project? do i need to configure in any specific way link it to my tomcat server?

Posts: 140
Posted 16:33 Apr 06, 2013 |
talisunep wrote:

also i am unable to specify a target runtime(my tomcat) for the imported project? do i need to configure in any specific way link it to my tomcat server?

got this part working current tomcat did not support java 1.7 had to change it to 1.6....the project loads fine now...  thank you

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:06 Apr 06, 2013 |
talisunep wrote:

professor i did the import from the eclipse > maven port... i was wondering where the  jstl.jar and standard.jar have been placed for this project...
are they supposed to be in the src folder ? where can i find the lib folder in this case? 

The pizzas code (and all other examples) uses Maven to manage dependencies so there's no need to manually copy the jar files to the project. We'll cover Maven on Monday.

Posts: 140
Posted 21:13 Apr 06, 2013 |

okay... does that mean currently for my 520 environment i have installed maven m2e-wtp and m2e-subclipse and  all the listed plugins  from your guide at ...

does that mean i wont need to import the .jar on the tomcat directory for jstl ?

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:19 Apr 06, 2013 |
talisunep wrote:

okay... does that mean currently for my 520 environment i have installed maven m2e-wtp and m2e-subclipse and  all the listed plugins  from your guide at ...

does that mean i wont need to import the .jar on the tomcat directory for jstl ?

That depends on whether you use a Dynamic Web Project or a Maven project. For a Dynamic Web Project, you still need to include the jar files yourself (by putting them under either Tomcat /lib or project /WEB-INF/lib). If you use a Maven project (as described at, you just need to specify the JSTL dependency and Maven will take care of the jar files (including downloading them from the web).