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Posts: 1649
Posted 23:11 Mar 16, 2013 |

Using the formula below these are the grades so far:

78.8, 69.0, 69.0, 65.9, 63.6, 63.2, 62.6, 61.3, 60.3, 58.7, 56.8, 54.7, 53.4, 48.6, 44.3, 38.2

Formula: grade =(HW1+HW2+HW3)*1.1+Quiz1+Quiz2*20/15

This formula counts the three homeworks as 11% each and the two quizzes as 20% each. It assumes that the maximum score on each homework is 10; the maximum score on Quiz1 is 20, and the maximum score on Quiz2 is 15. (There were higher scores on the two quizzes. Those higher scores were worth extra credit.)

The project will be worth a maximum of 27 points. The total will be considered as a percentage (out of 100). To determine your maximum possible score add 27 to your current score. For example, the highest score so far (78.8) has a maximum possible score of 105.8. The lowest score so far (38.2) has a maximum possible score of 65.2.

Posts: 12
Posted 23:55 Mar 22, 2013 |

There were 5 HWs, not 3...

Posts: 1649
Posted 00:01 Mar 23, 2013 |

This is what Dr. Rao had to say about the homeworks.

The first 3 homeworks are more substantive, the 4th one less so, the 5th one was supposed to be more in the nature of a practice problem set, with the solutions given out one day before it was due. So, overall, your plan looks ok to me; maybe you want to hold hw4 "in reserve" [for borderline cases].