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Posts: 61
Posted 17:20 Feb 18, 2013 |

I was just reading the Bill Gates Ask-Me-Anything on Reddit.

I found this question/answer interesting in light of last weeks assignment.


[–]Salacious- 3127 points


What do people give you for your birthday, given that you can buy anything you want?

[–]thisisbillgates[S] 3800 points


Free software. Just kidding.

Books actually.

[–]Mcdoofus 2336 points


Oh! What's your favorite book?

Edit: A book recommendation from a billionaire. Cool! Thanks, Bill!

[–]thisisbillgates[S] 3132 points

ago x2

My favorite of the last decade in Pinker's Better Angels of our Nature. It is long but profound look at the reduction in violence and discrimination over time. I review a lot of the books I read at (is that too self-promotional?